Be Born Today

Be born today.

Enter into a new world. Give birth to another path. Give birth to another life. Give birth to another you. Do this all today.

Do different things. Or do the same things you always do, just do them differently. With more pride. With more energy. With more focus. Do everything with purpose.

Be born today.

Shed the prisons, the can’ts, the won’ts. Break through all the barriers between the person you are and the person you want to be. The person you know you can be.

Be born today.

Make yourself over in the image that you know is right. In the image of the greatest people you know. In the image of the greatest people that you have ever read about. Embody those people. Make it your own, but become one of the greats.

Be born today.

Open your eyes. You have been living in darkness, so finally see the light. Yes the light hurts at first. After a while, your eyes will adjust and you will understand that brighter light allows you to see beauty, woven throughout the finest details of life.

Be born today.

And appreciate all that life has to offer. Understand from today that everything you have is a blessing. Breathe the air with your lungs as it is the first time you take a breath of oxygen. Drink water and appreciate the quenching of your thirst for the first time. It’s the first time as the new you.

Be born today.

Create a new mantra to live by. Begin a new search. Embark on a new quest. Scrap the old and start a new routine. A new diet. A kick. A friendship. A career. Change everything. Start a new whole way of life.

Be born today.

Don’t worry about your past. But keep it in mind. Learn from it. Use that former life as a benchmark. That you can be more. You can be better. You will be better.

Be born today.

Make people aware of who you are. This new you. Not by shouting it to them. But by showing them. With every word. With every action.

The person they knew died. And that person died a quick, but glorious death. Sacrificing themselves to give birth to this new person. This new you. This new you that is going to do great things.

Be born today.

There is no one else. There is no past for the new you. There is no one else. There is only you. There are only choices. There is only today. There are only your choices today.

Choose to be reborn. Then make great choices.